We made it to Florida and anchored out the first night in Fernandina Beach. Our first night Clay treated us with steaks on the grill, while I put together a salad and some couscous. Then sat back and enjoyed a beautiful sunset. Life is Good! The next day, Monday, Feb.25th, after listening to the weather, we decided to get on a mooring ball and stay put for a few days. Florida is known for the late afternoon thunderstorms, but the one coming in was more of a front and heavy thunderstorms. That's alright with us, we stocked up on books before taking off and of course I have the Internet to play with. The best part about having the laptop on board is reading your e-mails. The first night here, I got an e-mail reply from some friends we met at the Hinkley boat yard in Georgia. They asked where we were in Fernandina Beach and low and behold they were on a mooring ball in the same anchorage as us!! Life is real Good! So, Monday night we took the dinghy's into town and had a great Mexican dinner and a wonderful visit.
It is now Tuesday and the weather forecast was correct. We are enjoying the rain and I get to catch up on our blogspot. Hope ya'll enjoy the pictures.
Until later,
Rita-Kay, Clay & Shadow (our second-mate)