I know it has been awhile since I posted., but we have been moving around alot and not always in a hotspot. We feel we were better off in the Bahamas during these last rounds of hurricanes. Fay came through while we were in Nassau, and as you can see Carleigh didn't fair very well (just kidding). That picture is just of a boat anchored out in the Nassau channel. We just experienced strong winds and rain. After she blew through, we cruised on over to the Berry Islands and anchored out in Little Harbour. The Berry Islands are a cluster of 30 islands and lots to explore. Little Harbour is home to the Darville family, matriarch Flo, her son Chester and his son. Flo has the only restuarant on the Island and you need to radio ahead to place your order for food. She is a lovely lady and great cook. Chester is a character! He came out to the boat just after Clay and I put the hook down and showed us how he wanted us to anchor. Always new methods to learn, but he had us stern and bow anchored down tight in case Hannah blew in. We had put up the dinghy before leaving Nassau, Clay and I wanted to go into Flo's to eat, but didn't feel like getting the dinghy and motor down from the top of the boat. Chester said 'no problem mon', I'll just get it down for you. Normally we have to hook it up to a hand pulley davit, lower the dinghy first then hook up the motor and lower it. Once again, Chester had his own way, he just lifted up the dinghy and flipped her over into the water without getting one single drop of water in the dinghy!!! At least he put a rope on the motor before lowering it. So we went into Flo's for dinner and a wonderful visit in our dinghy then motored around the harbour. The next day, Chester came over on his way to Chub Cay and asked us to watch the place for him, that he was going to Chub for supplies and fuel and would be back in several hours. As it turned out, he came back the next morning, meanwhile, 2 guys dingyed over to Flo's and were snooping around, I told Clay he better go check on them so he wouldn't get fired the first day on the job. They were looking for a cold beverage and food. Clay invited them back to our boat!!!!, and we couldn't get rid of them!!! Finally after they ate all the food, drank our drinks and the bugs got too unbearable, they left. After Chester came back, we headed over to Great Harbour, another island in the Berry's. We had planned on staying a few days, but Mother Nature changed all that!!! Stay tune, I'll catch you up on that at a later date.
I included some pictures of our friends I mentioned in the previous post. Clay is standing with Chris (the Olympic athlete), Tanya and Walker at TPA Marina in Nassau and a conch!.
As always,
The Happy Cruisers!!!
Life is real Good!!!