In May, my college roommate, Rachel, came in for a visit. She and her husband live in Napa, CA. She called me one day and said, "I NEED A VACATION!!! Can I come down to visit you in the Bahamas??!!" Well, she had a terrific time. Clay and I picked her up in Nassau, she and I went provision shopping and off we were to our favorite spots to show Rach. The first day out the seas were horrible. Lots of wind and rain. Clay asked if we wanted to go back to Nassau, but we said we would tough it out. The first night we anchored out at Highborne Cay, then cruised on down to Normans to have our evening meal at McDuff's. We hadn't been there yet on this cruise and the additions to the place from our previous trips were a real surprise. The food was still great and Rachel enjoyed meeting other cruisers. The next day we headed out for Warderick Wells. That day of cruising was great, until we got settled on the mooring ball and noticed the dinghy was way to full of water. It seems by dragging it behind us, the transom wall cracked and was taking on water. After some scrambling, we got the motor off and emptied the boat as much we could. We were in a dilemma, that's our get around boat!!! Lucky for us someone heard of our situation and the nice man off of September Song came over and he and Clay together were able to fix the leak, meanwhile, Rach and I swam to shore and picked up a kyack to get around with. We took the kayack out to some real nice snorkel areas. We anchored out to more evenings before heading over to Compass Cay. That will be my next post.
Enjoy and have a very blessed day...The Happy Cruisers