This will be the first year I am not able to go pick out that special card for my dad. Always a funny and then the more touching one where I would enclose a tissue for his tears. My dad was the best!!! He lived a long and full life filled with many memories for us to remember. One of my favorite Father's day is when we had made a road trip to Canada. I bought him a present before the trip, but forgot to get any wrapping materials. On that Father's Day Sunday morning, I got all the comics from the paper and wrapped his present using them and crewing gum for the tape. He was so proud of my endeavors. Another one was when we were young, my older brothers told me to go wake up daddy by tickling his feet, (me not knowing at the time his feet where very ticklish) so like the innocent little sister, I went to wake him up by tickling his feet. To my much surprise, I was kicked in the mouth!!! My brothers got a 'kick' out of that as well as my dad!! I have several wonderful memories of my daddy and his father's days. This one is bitter sweet, I know he is sleeping without any pain and for that I am happy, but I miss him very much. We would always get ready for the Indy 500, by getting out the line up from the paper and write our predictions on the columns. Then watch the race, take notes, cross off the racers who crashed and keeping up with our favorites position. It was a blast! Every beginning of the football season, it was the same. An avid Cowboy fan, although his first love was the Redskins, (boo, hiss, boo, hiss), but I could forgive him because he drove a taxi cab in the Washington DC area, we were never lacking in conversation and opinions. He was the BEST!!!
So, daddy this is for you... God saw you getting tired,
and a cure was not to be.
So He put his arms around you
and whispered, "Come with Me."
With tearful eyes we watched you
slowly fade away.
Although we loved you dearly,
we would not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
your hard-working hands put to rest,
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He ONLY takes the BEST!!
I love you daddy, and Happy Father's Day.
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