Sunday, May 11, 2008

Moving On!!

Clay and I have been in the Abacos for nearly 2 months now and we are ready to head further south to the Exums and Eluthras. We have been very blessed here in the Abacos, meeting new people (cruisers and locals) and developing lasting friendships.
The pictures in yesterdays blog show you how we do our grocery shopping, sail boat races, ranging in ages 7-70, and the Seventh-day Adventist church in Marsh Harbour and of course the beautiful sunsets we get to witness each evening.
For shopping, we get in our dinghy and go to the designated dinghy dock, tie up, walk to the store, buy our groceries in the modern store, load up the backpack, walk back to the dinghy and go back to our boat. Living this life is wonderful because of the daily exercise we get.
The sail boat races are so much fun to watch, from little kids to grandparents. They have the groups set up according to your level of sailing. For the beginners (young and old) there is usually a parent, spouse or someone close in their dinghy to root them on and close by in case something goes wrong. Fortunately, nothing serious happened and the races finished without a hitch.
We have run into alot of Texans lately, some we know and some we don't. Pamela and Raymond were here on their boat from Fort Worth TX. We had met them 6 years ago on our last visit here. She and I graduated from HS the same year, from a different HS. Pamela graduated from Paschal, the same one Clay graduated from and he knew her older sisters and her family lived just around the corner from Clay. Another surprise visit was from one of Clay's old college frat brother, Steve Murrin, aka Cowboy. Clay had not seen him close to 10 years and low and behold they run into each other in the Bahamas. Clay and I were just sitting on the boat anchored out in Man-O-War, when all of a sudden this dinghy pulls up along side our boat and begin to holler something about TX! Clay recognized Steve right away and the partying and visiting began.
Another interesting note is have you ever wondered how these Marina get their fuel for the boats? Look closely at the picture with the gas truck. The truck is put on a barge and it goes from Marina to Marina pumping fuel without leaving the barge. We were at Sea Spray when this barge came in. Sea Spray is an out of the way Cay, tucked way back off the Sea of Abacos, with a very narrow and winding entrance and low tide. It kicked up alot of sand, but didn't run aground (touch bottom).
I guess that's about it from the Abacos. Check back in a couple of weeks. I hope to catch you up with more tales and photos from the Exumas. Until later...
The Happy Cruisers

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