Okay, here are some of the regatta pictures. First we have the cruisers vs the Bahamians. the cruisers were called the pinkies...
Below is a picture of the Grand Stand announcement booth...

and the Bahamians were called the Baracudas...The cruisers won, but I think the game was fixed!

Next we have the no talent talent show...

with the Blues Brothers...

and Walter from "Brandaris" warming up for the conch concert. I couldn't get Clay to participate.

This is Brenda, Walter's wife. We've bonded by hitching around the island together.

Even some belly dancers were in the talent show. Which I thought had a great performance.

Next is Micky and Lillian off their sailboat, "Carpe Diem". They hail from the Philly area thank goodness are not Eagle fans!!! We got along great. They too, decided to become live aboards.

And of course, I have to give you an update on my herbs. They are still alive and I use them alot in cooking. I got cilantro and sage. From the sprouting seminar, I decided the best way to grow sprouts on board is to buy them in the grocery store!

And finally, my fellow classmate from OD Wyatt, Patricia (Pat) Graham. She graduated in 1970 and I graduated in 1974, so we did know alot of the same people. (you too, Chuck!)

I've had such good luck posting this blog, that I'll close for now. (Don't want to push my luck) Catch us later and I'll have some pictures of the Regatta racing and music festival to post.
Life is Good, cruising is Better, The Happy Cruisers
1 comment:
Hi guys! It is so neat to read your blog and see where you are traveling! God's creations is just beautiful, huh!! We wanted to say "hi" and also let you know Davis can now wear the Bahamas hat you thoughtfully sent him! Thanks again!! He is already a year old! WHOA! We miss you both and love that we can catch up through the blog!
Jeremy, Heather, Davis (and Wanda too)
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