Monday, March 31, 2008

Cruising the Abacos

Have ya'll been wondering where we have been? The wireless is sparse over here, but we have found a hotspot. I'll try and catch up, but will let the pictures tell the story. We have been from West End, Bahama, to Green Turtle Cay to Guana Cay and are currently in Man-O-War Cay on a mooring ball. All of our cruising has been in picture perfect weather. Man-O-War Cay is just East of Marsh Harbor. It is an island all of itself. There are 2 grocery stores, and plenty of gift shops with all Bahama made gifts. Albury Brothers are the most popular here, starting around the
1900's building boats. This island was established in 1716. It is Abacos answer to Mayberry RFD town as one of our waiters told us from the only restaurant in town. Clay and I were heading back to the dinghy one evening, when a lady asked us if we would like some fresh wahoo (a wonderful and expensive fish). Her husband had caught so much they didn't have room for all of it. Clay and I gladly took it off her hands. The water here is very blue and clear which has allowed us some light snorkeling. We plan on going out further to see the reefs and more underwater creatures. On our walk thru the town of Man-O-War, Clay and I had to be very careful on the Queens Hwy. As you can see by the picture, the traffic was severe (that's a joke. The only trasportation here are the golf carts and a sprinkle of tiny cars!),but I got a kick out of the sign!
Hope all is well wherever you are. Tonight Clay wants my homemade Oatmeal cookies, so I'd better start baking.
Until next time, life is still good on the waters!

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