Sunday, March 16, 2008

We made it safe & sound!!!!

We had a perfect crossing. We left West Palm, FL at 6am. The seas were only 2-3 feet and the winds mild, blowing at 10-15. We cruised between 7-8 knots most of the 7 hour trip. Like I said it was the perfect day, until we got about 3 miles out of West End Bahama, our port of entry. Then the winds picked up and the seas became 3-5feet, but we made it in okay and were tied up at the docks by 2pm. Shadow came through the cruise just fine and she didn't even go close to the door while we were getting the boat ready in West Palm. The Marina, Old Bahama Bay, has taken on several additions since we were last here the early years of 2000, but the beaches are still velvety white and the view is spectacular. Hope you enjoy the pictures, the one of Clay & me was taken the day before we left at the Riviera Beach Marina. The other is the Gulf Stream crossing over, Clay tying us up, and the last two are self explanatory. As usual, the people and boaters over here are so very friendly and it is always fun to sit on the docks and listen to their stories. I'll share them later, so tune...
Rita-Kay, Clay & Shadow

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